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TUPPENCE COWLEY - Agatha Christie's "The Secret Adversary"

Here's my World of Lexica final design for Tuppence, one of the literary characters pulled into the game. Thanks to my wife, who helped me find a ton of great 1920s references to pull from. After all the complexity needed to get the right look for the hair, clothing, attitude, etc, I feel it really came through in the design, and the sketch process really helps unite together all the complexity needed to get the right 1920s look with all of those things for the character.
Final 3D model was sculpted by the amazing John Deriggi, @johnderiggiart.

TUPPENCE COWLEY Final Concept Design by Zachary D. Coe

TUPPENCE COWLEY Final Concept Design by Zachary D. Coe

TUPPENCE COWLEY Concept Sketches by Zachary D. Coe

TUPPENCE COWLEY Concept Sketches by Zachary D. Coe